Such a joy to see the impact of our community center with FIFA.  I remember when we started having the conversation about a potential collaboration over the phone, then meetings and eventually going to the DRC and building this center of hope and learning for our students, their families and every resident in the village.  It became a reality and now more than 5,000 people a year attend our sports, literacy and health programs.

At the beginning I was reluctant, along with our team, to take on another project that didn't revolve around the school, but now I can't imagine Malaika without the center - our school and community center complement each other, and thousands have a better quality of life because of the programs the center provides.

We've also collaborated with Coaches Across Continents to create social and recreational programs that highlight such societal issues as gender equality and HIV prevention, as well as Drop Malaria to distribute 9,000 insecticide-treated bed nets across Kalebuka and greatly reduce the infection rate in the village.  Leadership sometimes means partnering with other organizations who have a common drive, so as to empower every single person we can - and we're proud to be working with these incredible organizations.

Noella at Community Center 6 - Credit Nisian Hughes_preview.jpeg
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